Reach Your Goals With Support

There are so many skills we need to pursue our dreams (and get through our day). Gain the tools to overcome obstacles and accomplish your goals with greater confidence and ease.

We specialize in working with neurodivergent (Autistic and ADHDer) teens and adults.

Build confidence in your life skills

The skills you need to build and maintain an adult life are not always taught in school. And you may feel like, for some reason, the real life lessons just don’t seem to be sticking.

An occupational therapist can support you in learning effective mindsets and practical strategies that will allow you to create space for yourself and your needs in a busy modern world.

If you are looking for an individualized, action-oriented approach with guidance, accountability, and compassion, occupational therapy might be a good fit for you.

Occupational therapists can help you

  • Build an executive function toolkit

    • Manage your time & get organized

    • Improve attention & focus

    • Cultivate your energy & motivation

    • Harness your creativity & strengths

    • Plan ahead, prioritize, make decisions, & set realistic goals

    • Juggle your priorities

  • Cope with sensory and social differences

    • Learn about your sensory profile

    • Adjust your environment to meet your needs

    • Incorporate sensory supports

    • Balance activity & rest

    • Prevent & manage stress & anxiety

  • Live and work with ADHD, autism, & co-occurring symptoms

    • Set up meaningful daily routines

    • Create systems for managing your home

    • Prevent & manage fatigue

    • Complete school & work assignments with greater ease

    • Advocate for accommodations

    • Build healthy habits & break unhelpful ones

    • Manage health & health conditions

By the way, what is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapists specialize in understanding how we occupy our time. This has a big impact on our health, functioning, and well-being.

Our lifestyle - the types and flow of activities we engage in - affect us physically, emotionally, and cognitively.

We can help you find your strengths and challenges, then guide you in building skills to overcome barriers and pursue what really matters to you.