Presentations & Publications

Video Lectures

Let's Talk about Sex... Education! Sexuality and Sex Education for Neurodivergent Individuals

Building Social Skills in Kids of All Abilities

Sex & Relationships Series - Dating for Neurodivergent Adults

Sex & Relationships Series - Making Sex Education Meaningful for Neurodivergent Individuals


Sex Education for Special Needs (podcast):


FAQ: COVID-19 and Children with Special Needs (9-part series):

Tips on Improving Social Skills (L.A. Parent magazine): COVID-19 and Children with Special Needs (9-part series)


Barstein, J., Jeste, S., Saravanapandian, V., Hyde, C., & Distefano, C. (2021). Measurement of Sleep Behaviors in Chromosome 15q11. 2-13.1 Duplication (Dup15q Syndrome). American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 126(6), 505-510.

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Winston, M., Nayar, K., Hogan, A., Barstein, J., La Valle, C., Sharp, K., Berry-Kravis, E., Losh, M., (2020). Physiological regulation and social-emotional processing in female carriers of the FMR1 premutation. Physiology & behavior, 214, 112746.

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Martin, G.E., Barstein, J., Patel, S., Lee, M., Henry, L., & Losh, M. (2019). Longitudinal analysis of communication repair skills across three neurodevelopmental disabilities. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 1-16.

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Barstein, J., Martin, G.E., Lee, M. & Losh, M. (2018). A Duck Wearing Boots?! Pragmatic Language Strategies for Repairing Communication Breakdowns Across Genetically Based Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-15.

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Martin, G.E., Barstein, J., Hornickel, J., McGrath, S., Durante, G., & Losh, M. (2017). Signaling of noncomprehension following communication breakdown in youth with fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Communication Disorders, 36.

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Lee, M., Bush, L., Martin, G., Klusek, J., Barstein, J., Heckel, N., Losh, M. (2017). A Multi-method Investigation of Social-Communicative Development in Individuals with Down Syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 122(4)289-309.

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Barstein, J.*, Wang, J.*, Ethridge, L., Mosconi, M., Takarae, Y., Sweeney, J. (2013). Resting state EEG abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders5(1): 24.

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